Monday, September 28, 2020

Zombie Project #1

 Zombie character just for fun (: It supposed to be a fast sketch, but I decided to develop it further and made whole character with a little story <3 . Hope you like it^^ 

Check my Arstation for more artwork:

Based on the concept by Randy Bishop 

Many thanks to my friends for many feedbacks and support! (For sitting with me in Discord :D)

And thanks to Anya Mozharovska for the feedback that I didn't fix yet but I'll update shots once I finish it <3 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Photogrammetry Test #1

Hey blog. Long time didn't talk with ya here. Im good and just having fun in-between tasks ^^

A simple test using very basic setup with white papers Agisoft and my Phone. Actually not bad result , also I found that half rainy weather gives neutral light that helped me to get very nice diffuse and quality using phone.

I recommend to check this guy's page, really enjoyed his pipeline and nice detailed explanations how to use that.